Closing Date for Rally Bohemia Entries is nearing
Only dozens of hours remain until the closing date for entries for all parts of Rally Bohemia. This year, the ŠKODA Motorsport team will have exceptionally strong representation in their home Mladá Boleslav competition. For the first time this year, it is also possible to register for ECO Energy Rally Bohemia, which is a regularity competition meant for general public.
Three crews of different nationalities will be presented at this year Rally Bohemia in the colours of the ŠKODA Motorsport factory team. The trio of crews of factory fábia R5 will be made by Jan Kopecký – Pavel Dresler, the Finns Juuso Nordgren – Tapio Suominen and Norwegians Ole Christian Veiby – Stig Rune Skjaermoen. Another attraction will be the start of the experienced Austrian multi-champion Raimund Baumschlager, as well as of the favourite Štěpán Vojtěch. We will see them both with the Škoda Fabia R5, too. While Baumschlager has been associated with Škoda racing specials for years, in the case of Štěpán Vojtěch it will be his premiere with a car of R5 category. The closing entry date for all parts of the Rally Bohemia, namely Czech Republic Rally Championship, Czech Republic Historic Sporting Rally Championship, Rally Legend and ECO Energy Rally Bohemia, is on Wednesday 20. 6. 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Therefore, the biggest surge of electronic entries can be expected before this term.
The premiere ECO Energy Rally Bohemia will host two separate competitions. The first will be the FIA e-Rally Regularity Cup according to the international regulations where only electro mobiles can start and the results of which count for FIA Electric World Cup and New Energy Championship. The second race will be the Czech Trophy in ECO Rally, where, in addition to electro mobiles, CNG, LPG, hybrids, plug-in hybrids or ethanol cars can start. In both cases a run of regularity competition is involved, not a speed race. “The ECO Energy Rally Bohemia race can be entered by anyone who has a car with one of the above-mentioned types of drive. They do not have to be racers or have a license of any kind, a racing suit or any other special equipment. So everybody can come, compete with the world champions of this discipline, and possibly win“, provocatively winks Rally Bohemia Clerk of the Course Petr Pavlát, who, by coincidence, together with COC Deputy Tomáš Brzek, managed to win the May FIA Electric and New Energy Championship in Český Krumlov in their first appearance. They want to share their experience acquired with all participants of ECO Energy Rally Bohemia: “Everybody who will enter the competition and pay the entry fee up to the deadline will be sent a link to the application on the mobile phone that we used, including the instructions on how to use it properly. The more similarly good crews will participate, the more interesting the race will be. The limit number of crews is 40, but there are still enough free places, so do not hesitate and try to beat even the best world crews of this discipline. Organizing the ECO Energy Rally Bohemia for the cars with alternative drives is also in compliance with the trend of our general partner, company Škoda Auto a.s.,“ invites Petr Pavlát to participation in the new competition within Rally Bohemia. Information for competitors and entry form can be found here:
The Rally Bohemia programme will be opened on Friday 29. 6. at 5 p.m. with a shakedown on the track Loukov – Kruhy near the service park at the airport Hoškovice. This will be followed by an autograph session of the TOP crews in the Bondy Centre in Mladá Boleslav at 7:30 p.m. The autograph session will continue even during the ceremonial start of ECO Energy Rally Bohemia and Rally Bohemia Historic (Czech Historic Championship), which will run from 8:00 p.m. in front of Škoda Auto Museum. Shortly after the start, at 8:10 p.m. Prolog Muzeum – a parallel acceleration test will follow in the avenue of Ludvík Kalma and Volkhard Köhler.
On Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. the start of the exhibition Rally Bohemia Legend will follow on the previous evening programme in front of the Škoda Auto Museum. Its participants will continue on the newly built circuit SS Bondy from 9:23 a.m., which will be run in three laps. Then the crews of 45th Rally Bohemia will be already lining up for the ceremonial start from 9:30 a.m., and they will set off for the circuit SS 1 ŠKODA AUTO Bondy from 9:53 a.m. The following special stages will lead the crews on both the traditional tracks Chloudov, Radostín or Cetno and a completely new stage Ještěd, re-established Lobeč, or to the historical centre of Mladá Boleslav in the end of Sunday SS Staroměstská.
An independent chapter is the return of Rally Bohemia to Autodrom Sosnová through the spectator super-SS 8/9 Global Assistance Gladiator Sosnová I/II at the end of Saturday leg. Part of the two parallel special stages, when always two cars will go at once in a direct “duel”, will be an attractive gravel section. The video invitation to racing arena Sosnová can be seen here:
From the first preparation steps of each new competition, the Rally Bohemia organizer always lays emphasis on the safe course of the event. This is ensured during the competition by almost 2000 people, with the use of more than 100 kilometres of warning tape, about 5000 boards reading No Entry, and 2000 other information boards and notices distributed already two months before the competition. All the safety measurements, however, would be in vain in the case of lack of spectators´ discipline. The organizers appeal to all the spectators to unconditionally follow the instructions of route marshals and other officials and organizers during the whole competition, and thus contribute to the smooth course of the rally.
Other information on Rally Bohemia 2018, including electronic entry forms, time schedules and continuously updated lists of the crews registered to all parts of the competition can be found at The traditional general partner of the competition is the car company ŠKODA AUTO.
At social networks you can find Rally Bohemia at the following accounts:
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